Kviečiame nemokamai dalyvauti Ukrainos ir Europos psichoterapijos asociacijų jungtiniame simpoziume etikos tema


Vasario 24 d., nuo 11:00 iki 17:30 val.
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Programa (anglų k.) | El. registracija (anglų k.)
Programa (ukrainiečių k.) | El. registracija (ukrainiečių k.)

Mieli kolegos, kviečiame dalyvauti nuotoliniame Ukrainos (UUP) ir Europos (EAP) psichoterapijos asociacijų jungtiniame simpoziume etikos tema.

Dalyvavimas yra nemokamas. Simpoziumas skirtas psichoterapeutams.

Dalyviams bus išduoti 6.5 val. kvalifikacijos tobulinimo pažymėjimai.

Simpoziumo pranešimai ir diskusijos vyks anglų bei ukrainiečių kalbomis.

UUP and EAP Joint Symposium “Ethical Challenges for Psychotherapists in our Changing World”

UUP and EAP are pleased to announce a Symposium on Ethics on Friday February 24th 2023, which is the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine. The Symposium is the inspiration and initiative of senior Ukrainian psychotherapists, and EAP is delighted to accept their invitation to be partners in this important and formative event.

The World we live in today is facing huge changes. Major events, such as Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, a global pandemic, and climate breakdown are leading to social devastation, displacement, and a refugee crisis. The existential challenges manifested by today’s social realities present us with dilemmas challenging our established basic principles and ethical norms. This event aims to consider potential implications to the ethical principles we cherish.

As psychotherapy communities helping individuals to live in new and rapidly changing conditions, ethical issues are of particular importance to us. It is important for us to consider in depth the challenges to norms and rules in these new times, as well as the norms and rules of our post-war future. It is vital to us to explore and debate our ideas with colleagues from other European countries.

Thus, being at war, UUP urgently needs an open discussion on ethical issues. This Forum will focus on the Ethics of Psychotherapy during and after the War: work with refugees, children, the military, with people living in the occupied territories.

The Ukrainian Association of Psychotherapists is thankful for the opportunity for dialogue, support and mutual co-operation with EAP at this time, and appreciative that the European Association for Psychotherapy is a partner in organizing and holding this International Ethics Forum.

We hope that this event will be the first of a series of Symposia on Ethics. Other areas which might be included are:

  1. The Ethics in different areas of Psychotherapy.
  2. The Ethics of a Psychotherapist in the information world.
  3. The Ethics of Psychotherapy in various fields: medicine, psychology, education, social work, history.
  4. The Ethics of Psychotherapy in relation to different religious denominations.
  5. The Ethics of Psychotherapy in different countries of the world.

Following the Symposium on February 24th 2023 a special issue of the periodical printed edition will be issued in Ukrainian by UUP.

We are hopeful that these Symposium will facilitate the solution of a number of topical problems related to the ethical position of a Psychotherapist in the modern world in a scientific and applied context.

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Rugsėjis 2024
Pi. A. T. K. Pe. Š. Sk.

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