Apklausa apie gydytojų diagnostinius įpročius


Diagnostinių įpročių tyrimas

Mieli kolegos, profesorius Danny Koren iš Haifo universiteto (Izraelis) prašo mūsų pagalbos atliekant tyrimą apie gydytojų diagnostinius įpročius. Kviečiame atlikti tyrimo apklausą – reikės perskaityti dvi trumpas vinjetes (po pusę puslapio) ir atsakyti į keletą klausimų apie jas (hipotezė diagnozė, prognozė ir kt.). Numatoma apklausos užpildymo trukmė yra apie 10 minučių.

My name is Danny Koren, I am a Professor at the School of Psychological Sciences of the University of Haifa in Israel. I am writing to you on behalf of Prof. Andrea Raballo (University of Lugano, Switzerland), Prof. Josef Parnas (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), and myself to request your help with a collaborative survey we are conducting.

The aim of this short survey is to investigate the diagnostic habits and treatment choices of international clinicians. Here is the link to the survey:

Diagnostic habits survey

We would appreciate it if you could complete the survey and distribute this invitation to your colleagues.

This survey has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the School of Psychological Sciences of the University of Haifa (approval # 338/22).

With warm regards,
Prof. Andrea Raballo, Prof. Josef Parnas, and Prof. Danny Koren


Prof. Danny Koren
Head, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”
The Lab for the Study and Advancement of youth Mental Health Clinical-Science Program
The School of Psychological Sciences
University of Haifa
Haifa, 31905

Phone: +972-4-8240960
Fax: +972-4-8240966

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