Mieli kolegos, siunčiame susipažinimui šią savaitę išplatintus Pasaulio psichiatrų asociacijos bei Europos psichiatrų asociacijos pareiškimus dėl situacijos Ukrainoje.
EPA Statement on the situation in Ukraine
We wish to affirm our complete and utmost professional and personal solidarity with our fellow psychiatrists and all mental health workers from Ukraine. We would also like to express our deepest concern about the situation of Ukrainian patients with mental disorders, who are exposed to additional suffering during the ongoing war.
It is our duty as psychiatrists and mental health workers to make every effort to safeguard people’s mental health, and war is one of the most serious threats to mental health. Lasting peace is essential for the mental health of the people in Europe. We hope for and insist upon a peaceful resolution to this atrocious violence. Conflict must be addressed through peaceful means, such as communication.
Healing the psychosocial wounds due to trauma of every single individual affected by this war is our duty as National Psychiatric Associations and the EPA Council of NPAs. We will come together and use our knowledge, experience, and human power in the service of everyone: patients, their families, women, children, the elderly, refugees, and anyone else suffering in all EPA member countries.
Stop the war. Now.
We hope to receive supportive responses from all NPAs.
Kind regards,
Professor Jerzy Samochowiec
Council of NPAs Chair and Executive Committee Member
WPA Statement (on the situation in Ukraine)
Reflecting our long opposition to non-defensive military activities and mindful of the recent statements of various health and welfare organisations and vote of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) condemning the invasion of Ukraine, World Psychiatric Association (WPA) also expresses “grave concern at reports of attacks on civilian facilities such as private residences, schools, and hospitals, and of civilian casualties, including children, women, older persons, and persons with disabilities.”
The WPA urges the Russian Federation to stop all military activities in Ukraine immediately with special attention to those which threaten human lives and health, including mental health, of the Ukrainian population, particularly children, women, and the elderly, but also soldiers and their families.
WPA urges that psychiatrists and mental health care workers should not be prevented from caring for and treating their patients, many of whom are amongst the most vulnerable individuals, including safe passage and protection of all health care workers and patients in need. We also support the efforts of those countries providing humanitarian aid to those Ukrainian citizens who are fleeing the country.
The psychological consequences of war conflicts and trauma will have lasting adverse consequences to the survivors and to future generations. The WPA calls for an immediate cessation to the current conflict and hostilities, the psychological consequences of which have already affected so many people.
Submitted on behalf of Executive Committee, WPA