Penktasis Ukrainos ir Europos psichoterapijos aljanso simpoziumas „Santykiai karo metu“


Birželio 14 d. nuo 10:30 iki 17:00 val.
Nuotoliniu būdu „Zoom“ platformoje

El. registracija (anglų k.) | Programa (anglų k.)
El. registracija (ukrainiečių k.) | Programa (ukrainiečių k.)

Mieli kolegos, kviečiame nemokamai dalyvauti Ukrainos ir Europos psichoterapijos aljanso simpoziume.

Pagrindinė šio jau penktojo jungtinio simpoziumo tema – santykiai karo metu. Organizatoriai didžiuojasi, kad Europos Parlamento narys iš Rumunijos Cristian Bușoi išreiškė norą tapti simpoziumo globėju, taip pat jis skaitys pranešimą rytinėje renginio dalyje.

Simpoziume pranešimus skaitys iškilūs pranešėjai iš Rumunijos bei Ukrainos, turintys tiesioginės patirties apie santykius karo metu. Taip pat Simpoziume pranešimą skaitys vienas pranešėjas iš Europos klausymosi kambario („European Room for Listening – ERL“).

Dalyvavimas renginyje yra nemokamas. Simpoziumas skirtas psichoterapeutams.

Dalyviams bus išduoti 6 val. CPD kvalifikacijos tobulinimo pažymėjimai.

Simpoziumo pranešimai ir diskusijos bus sinchroniškai verčiami į anglų ir ukrainiečių kalbas.

Fifth Symposium of Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance “Relationships in the Time of War”

Dear colleagues, for our Fifth Symposium the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance are delighted to be joined by the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy. We are honoured that Mr Cristian Bușoi, European Parliamentarian from Romania, will be the Patron for our Symposium and will give an address in the morning session. We have two excellent speakers from Romania, and two excellent speakers from Ukraine with first-hand experience of relationships and war. Finally we have a speaker from the European Room for Listening, an EAP initiative.

Please use this link to view all speakers.

Download the schedule: English | Ukrainian | Czech

Our first four Symposia have been moving, extraordinary and wonderful events, with more than 1000 Psychotherapists registered to join each one. We warmly invite you to attend our Fifth Symposium. The theme of “Relationships in the Time of War” will be explored on a number of levels – internal dynamics and relationship; personal relationships; social relationships; traumatic relating; trans-national relationships. It is undoubtedly true that war opens up new relationships and new relating. This is evident in our excellent team of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance, who have created the Symposia and are sustaining them and giving them life. We would not have met had it not been for the war. Our relationships are committed, rich and deeply humane and we are full of gratitude for each other. In the middle of the destruction and uncertainty of war relationships can become a refuge, and a reminder of our humanity and the values that define us as humans.

We cordially invite European Psychotherapists to join with Ukrainian Psychotherapists in this Fifth Symposium, as it is vital for our Ukrainian colleagues that they have the opportunity to be connected with, and in relationship with, colleagues from other European countries as they face their challenging lives in the present, and prepare for their future. The benefit is felt by both Ukrainian and European Psychotherapists!


The Symposium will be held on Friday June 14th 2024 remotely on the “Zoom” platform. Please add it on your computer, smartphone, or tablet (

The Symposium will be held in Ukrainian and English with simultaneous translation of presentations.

The event is free for psychotherapists. Registration is mandatory. Only registered participants will be able to participate in the Symposium.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, participate in small group discussions and communicate in a round table discussion with their cameras and microphones turned on (if desired).

Certificates of attendance of 6 hours of professional development will be sent to all Symposium participants along with video recordings and lecture slides.



Write us in English or Ukrainian to

  • Call us from the European Union or if you want to speak English: 00 370 686 96520
  • Call us from Ukraine or if you want to speak Ukrainian: 00 380 977 667526


The First Symposium was held on February 23rd 2023 to mark the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It was a moving, extraordinary, and wonderful event, and more than 1000 Psychotherapists registered to join it.

Please use this link to view the video recordings of the First Symposium.

The Second Symposium was held on June 16th 2023 and reached nearly 1500 registrations. The focus of the Second Symposium was the examination and discussion about the new challenges for psychotherapists in extreme situations and how the patients/clients are affected when the psychotherapist is in an exposed situation.

Please use this link to view the video recordings of the Second Symposium.

The Third Symposium was held on November 17th 2023 and reached nearly 700 participants. The event was extraordinary, the participants thanked each speaker, shared their emotions, and the round table discussion was very vibrant and special, probably could have continued for at least few more hours.

Please use this link to view the video recordings of the Third Symposium.

The Fourth Symposium was held on February 23rd 2024 and reached more than 600 participants from 31 countries. The theme for the Fourth Symposium, marking the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion, was “The Tragedy of Childhood in the Time of War.”

Please use this link to view the video recordings of the Fourth Symposium.


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