Nemokamas Europos psichiatrų asociacijos nuotolinis seminaras


Birželio 5 d. nuo 16.00 iki 17.30 val.
Nuotoliniu būdu „Zoom“ platformoje

El. registracija

Mieli kolegos, kviečiame dalyvauti nuotoliniame seminare, kurį organizuoja Europos psichiatrų asociacija (EPA). Renginys yra nemokamas ir skirtas EPA priklausančių nacionalinių asociacijų nariams. LPA yra EPA narė, todėl jūs galite dalyvauti nemokamai.

Registruodamiesi nurodykite, jog esate LPA narystėje (Į klausimą “Name of NPA” atsakykite įrašydami “Lithuanian psychiatric association”, o į klausimą “Position at NPA” įrašykite “Member”).

NPA Webinar – Effective Psychotherapies for Depression: State of the Art and Implications for Mental Health Services

Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder about the upcoming webinar dedicated to NPAs and their members.

Date: Wednesday, 5 June from 15:00 to 16:30 CEST

Topic: Effective Psychotherapies for Depression: State of the Art and Implications for Mental Health Services.

Presenter: Prof. Pim Cuijpers (Netherlands)

Discussants: Dr Thomas Gargot (France) and Dr Selin Tanyeri (Türkiye)

Chair: Dr. Koray Başar (Türkiye)

This 1.5-hour exchange will start with a short presentation followed by a Q&A session with participants. During his talk, Prof. Cuijpers will give an overview of the results of a Meta-analytic Research domain, a living systematic review of all randomized trials on all major types of psychotherapy for depression across all age groups, target groups, treatment formats, outcomes and comparators.

Prof. Pim Cuijpers is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit and director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Dissemination of Psychological Interventions in Amsterdam. Prof. Cuijpers is a leading, world-renowned expert on research on psychotherapy and depression. Much of his work is aimed at prevention of mental disorders, psychological treatments of depression and anxiety disorders, and Internet-delivered treatments.

Please register today by clicking here. We look forward to seeing as many of you participating in this exciting event and encourage you to invite your association members.

Kind regards,

Professor Bernardo Carpiniello
Council of NPAs Chair and Executive Committee Member

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