24-asis PPA Pasaulinis psichiatrijos kongresas: pranešimų santraukų terminas pratęstas iki gegužės 6 d.


Lapkričio 14-17 dienomis Meksikos mieste, Meksikoje

El. registracija | Renginio programa
Pranešimų santraukų siūlymai

Mieli kolegos, pasidalinkite su tais, kam tai galėtų būti aktualu. Pasaulio psichiatrų asociacija kviečia registruotis į 24-ąjį Pasaulinį psichiatrijos kongresą, taip pat kviečia teikti pranešimų santraukų pasiūlymus. Terminas siūlymams pratęstas iki gegužės 6 d.


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Together with our member society and the Psychiatric Association of Mexico, WPA looks forward to welcoming you to the 24th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry in Mexico City, Mexico, from the 14th to the 17th of November 2024.

There has never been a more exciting and transformational time in the world of psychiatry and mental health than now. With the evolving needs and challenges posed by the current global scenarios, mental health remains a priority for healthcare systems, demanding a comprehensive approach that combines implementation of evidence based treatment, prevention, and promotion of self-help and healthy lifestyles.

It is my honor to invite you to the 24th World Congress of Psychiatry (WCP 2024), to be held in the vibrant city of Mexico City from 14-17 November 2024. The event promises a platform for discussions that echo WPA’s action plan for 2023-2026, which underlines our commitment to enhancing the mental health and well-being of not just patients but also of psychiatric staff and the general public.

Under the Information and Education segment of our action plan, the ‘Specialist Corner’ will pave the way for an enriching dialogue between our members and esteemed experts from various fields of psychiatry. From psychosis, affective disorders, substance use disorders, and ADHD, to more contemporary challenges such as internet addiction, our specialists will offer their invaluable insights. This is not just about the professionals; the plan ensures accessible educational materials tailored for patients, their families, and even the general public, aiming to spread awareness and knowledge far and wide breaking the language barriers.

Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles is another key area of our plan, with a particular focus on physical activity, sleep, and nutrition. As we strive for better mental health, it is pivotal to recognize the interplay between mind and body. Adolescents, a vulnerable group that often slips through the cracks, will be a particular focus, with resources tailored to promote their overall well-being.

Our Congress also underscores the importance of Research. From evaluating the impact of healthy lifestyles on mental health to intercontinental research on suicide prevention, especially during these challenging COVID-19 times, our dedication remains unwavering.

Lastly, Collaboration sits at the heart of our endeavors. The Advisory Committee on Response to Emergencies (ACRE) will continue its indispensable role, and our aim to foster deeper partnerships with various international associations in the field of psychiatry and public mental health will be a key highlight.

Set against the backdrop of Mexico City, a place renowned for its rich culture and history, the Congress will include enlightening sessions. Mexico City’s unique position, bridging North and Central America, embodies a spectrum of challenges and opportunities, from addressing mental health in resource-limited settings to leveraging state-of-the-art facilities in urban contexts. As we delve into global mental health practices, Mexico City will serve as a vivid reminder of the importance of adapting and evolving our strategies to suit varying socio-cultural and economic landscapes. The spirit of Mexico City, with its resilience, vibrancy, and warmth, will undoubtedly inspire our discussions and collaborations during the Congress.

Join us for this momentous event, where psychiatrists and thought leaders from across the globe will converge for learning, sharing, and networking. With a perfect blend of informed scientific discussions, networking opportunities, and cultural experiences, WCP 2024 promises to be an unforgettable experience.

We eagerly look forward to welcoming you to Mexico City in November 2024.

Warm regards,

Professor Danuta Wasserman

President, World Psychiatric Association

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