Birželio 16 d., nuo 10:30 iki 17:00 val.
Nuotoliniu būdu „Zoom“ platformoje
Programa (anglų k.) | El. registracija (anglų k.)
Programa (ukrainiečių k.) | El. registracija (ukrainiečių k.)
Mieli kolegos, kviečiame dalyvauti nuotoliniame Ukrainos (UUP) ir Europos (EAP) psichoterapijos asociacijų antrajame jungtiniame simpoziume.
Dalyvavimas yra nemokamas. Simpoziumas skirtas psichoterapautams.
Dalyviams bus išduoti 6.5 val. kvalifikacijos tobulinimo pažymėjimai.
Simpoziumo pranešimai ir diskusijos vyks anglų bei ukrainiečių kalbomis.
Dear colleagues, The Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy and the European Association for Psychotherapy are pleased to announce their Second Joint Symposium on Friday June 16th 2023. The Symposium Series is the inspiration and initiative of senior Ukrainian Psychotherapists, and EAP is delighted to accept their invitation to be their partners in this. The First Symposium was held on February 24th 2023 to mark the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It was a moving, extraordinary, and wonderful event, and more than 1000 Psychotherapists registered to join it. We warmly invite you to attend our Second Symposium.
The World we live in today is facing huge changes. Major events – Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, a global pandemic, climate breakdown – are leading to social devastation, displacement, and a refugee crisis. The existential challenges manifested by today’s social realities present us with dilemmas challenging our established basic principles and ethical norms, and create extreme circumstances which challenge the ways in which we conduct Psychotherapy.
Being at war UUP urgently needs an open discussion on these matters. Our Second Symposium will focus on the new challenges for Psychotherapists; the work of Psychotherapists in extreme situations; how patients/clients are affected when the Psychotherapist is in an exposed situation; and the experiences of Psychotherapists when war is in close proximity. We are absolutely delighted that Professor Renos K Papadopoulos, Director of the Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees, and an acknowledged expert will give a presentation at our Symposium.
The Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapists is thankful for the opportunity for dialogue, support and mutual co-operation with EAP at this time, and appreciative that the European Association for Psychotherapy is a partner in organizing and holding this International event. We cordially invite European Psychotherapists to join with Ukrainian Psychotherapists in this Symposium, as it is vital for our Ukrainian colleagues that they have the opportunity to be connected with, and in dialogue with, colleagues from other European countries as they face their lives in the present and prepare for their future.
This is a free event, and it is necessary for you to register if you wish to attend the Symposium. The Symposium is taking place during a time of violent conflict in Ukraine, which inevitably adds to the challenges presented for the Symposium discourse. This event holds the boundary established in the World Council for Psychotherapy Statement regarding the invasion of Ukraine, which was adopted by EAP. UUP and EAP respectfully request that everybody attending this event will conduct themselves in a considerate and respectful manner. We reserve the right to act in response to any disruptive or inappropriate conduct.
Once you have registered, you will receive the email message with a confirmation of your registration. Registered users will get their personal login link for the Symposium on June 14th 2023.
Attendance of the whole Symposium is equivalent to 6.5 hours of continuing professional developement.
A certificate will be sent to you after the Symposium confirming your attendance.