Tarptautinė konsultavimo konferencija Kelne su Kenneth Gergen


Birželio 17 – 18 dienomis,
Kelno universitete (Kelnas, Vokietija)

Mieli kolegos, Kenneth Gergen – žmogus, kurį verta kartą gyvenime išgirsti.

Dear Colleagues, dear Counsellors, the University of Cologne (Germany) and the new ‘European Federation for the Counselling Profession (EFCP)‘ invite you to the first annual EFCP Conference: Narrative Perspectives in Counselling (17th & 18th June) with Jill Freedman, Gene Combs, David Denborough and Kenneth Gergen.

Here is the Conference website.

And you are warmly invited to our first EFCP open discussion: “How can we support each other in strengthening the counselling profession?“ (you will find more information here)

Please forward this email to colleagues who may be interested.

With best regards,

Dr. Dirk Rohr
University of Cologne

Lehr-Supervisor (DGSv/ DGSF)
Akademischer Direktor,
Leitung Arbeitsbereich Beratungsforschung &
Leitung Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik,
Universität zu Köln

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