Kvietimas į WPA regioninį kongresą Indijoje (anglų k.)


WPA Regional Congress “Building awareness, bridging treatment gaps”

April 14 – 16 2023
Kolkata, India

Congress program | Registration

Dear Colleagues and friends, it is with great pleasure that WPA invites you to its Regional Congress with the theme “BUILDING AWARENESS, BRIDGING TREATMENT GAPS” which will take place on April 14th – 16th, 2023 in the city Kolkata-The City of Joy, India.

We are pleased that SAARC Psychiatric federation is our local host for this important WPA’s Regional Congress of the 2020-23 triennium. It will highlight the importance of bringing together the psychiatrists & other mental health professionals on board for discussing topics of mutual interest. This will also provide a forum where the voices of patients, or highly traumatized fellow human beings and their families, will be heard.

With the Theme “BUILDING AWARENESS, BRIDGING TREATMENT GAPS” this congress will build the experiences of WPA’s 2020-2023 Action Plan and will include recent updates in different disciplines related to mental health.

Your active participation will undoubtedly contribute to a successful and productive WPA congress. Looking forward to welcoming you to Kolkata!

With warm regards,

Dr. Afzal Javed
World Psychiatric Association

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