Tarptautinis renginys SPRINGS OF DIALOGUE: 6th International Conference on Dialogical Practices


17-20 May 2023
Olomouc, Palacký University, Czech Republic

Conference program | Registration

Dear friends and colleagues, throughout some of your networks you may have received news about the SPRINGS OF DIALOGUE: 6th International Conference on Dialogical Practices. As you know it was supposed to take place in Jesenik, Czech Republic, in the spring 2022 but due to risks related to the covid pandemic the organization team decided to postpone the event.

The conference will take place in Olomouc, Czech Republic, on the 17th – 20th May 2023 (17th May is dedicated to preconference workshops).

The registration is now open. You will find more information and registration site here:


If you consider contributing to the conference programe in the form of a workshop or a working group please submit your proposals here:


We are looking forward to meeting in May in Olomouc!

Warm regards,

Martin Novak
On behalf of the organization team


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