Klausimynas apie gydytojų mokymo poreikius (TNA – Treatment Needs Assessment)
Mieli kolegos, persiunčiame ilgamečio LPA draugo ir kolegos prof. Cornelis de Jong prašymą užpildyti klausimyną apie gydytojų mokymo poreikius (TNA – Treatment Needs Assessment). Klausimynas platinamas daugelyje šalių ir yra skirtas gydytojams, susiduriantiems darbe su pacientais sergančiais priklausomybėmis daugiau nei 5 m. Pildymo trukmė – iki 15 min.
Kaip atlygį užpildžiusiems ISAM Prezidentas prižada dalyvavimą burtu keliu atrankoje, kurios laimėtojams bus sumokėtas registracijos mokestis ISAM (International Society of Addiction Medicine) 2023 m. kongrese Marakeše (Marokas).
Mokymai skirti psichiatrams, vaikų ir paauglių psichiatrams, greitosios medicinos pagalbos specialistams, skubios medicinos gydytojams, medicinos psichologams ir PSC socialiniams darbuotojams.
Nuoroda į klausimyną apie gydytojų mokymo poreikius.
Dear colleagues, as you know, we started the ISAM AM-TNA survey at the beginning of October 2022. We asked you to participate in this as individuals. This has yielded a generous number of responses. We thank you for this. However, as of November 23, 2023, the website was not accessible due to technical problems. After that, it took a long time for us to be operational again. Because of the holidays and the turn of the year, we waited until now to relaunch the survey.
If you tried to complete the AM-TNA survey after Nov. 23, 2022, you were unsuccessful. In any case, the data was not saved in our database. Therefore, we ask that you answer the questions again. You will help us a great deal with that. Of course, you may also forward this email to colleagues who may also wish to participate in this study.
In summary, this online survey aims to explore the training needs of physicians working in addiction medicine around the world. Give your opinion on what you think is important in training! And win a free registration to the next ISAM conference!
Here is a new link to the website to fill out the AM-TNA survey.
We look forward to seeing completed questionnaires coming into our website!
Kind regards,
Cornelis de Jong and Shalini Arunogiri