Tarptautinės konferencijos “Rethinking Mental Health Care” organizatoriai ieško savanorių


Mieli kolegos, tarptautinės konferencijos “Rethinking Mental Health Care” organizatoriai ieško savanorių. Prisijungę savanoriauti galės nemokamai išklausyti visus pranešimus, megzti pažintis ir dalyvauti vakaro koncerte. Pasidalinkime su tais, kam tai galėtų būti aktualu.

We need volunteers at a Grand event in Vilnius!

We are looking for people to help us during International Conference “Rethinking Mental Health Care” on 8-10 September 2022 at the Palace of the Grand Dukes in Vilnius, Lithuania.

This event will be an invaluable opportunity for mental health professionals and people with lived experience to gather together in one place and share perspectives, experiences, and expectations of service development.

As a volunteer you will:

✅ have a free access to the entire conference program
✅ meet exceptional people from across Europe and the world with a shared passion: fellow volunteers, attendees and speakers. Not only is this a great opportunity for starting or strengthening friendships, but also for networking and developing professional relationships
✅ attend social activities
✅ receive an exclusive volunteer’s t-shirt to wear at the event and show off in the future
✅ be kept in top condition, with food and refreshments throughout the event
✅ be invited to a concert at the most charming place in Vilnius – The Palace of Grand Dukes.

From volunteers we expect to:

🔰 speak English. In addition Lithuanian, Russian or Ukrainian languages would be very beneficial.
🔰 help to navigate people between conference halls
🔰 help to register participants
🔰 help with microphones inside the conference rooms
🔰 be open to any other tasks
🔰 be friendly, patient, tolerant and welcoming to conference guests and organizing team.

If you are interested in volunteering, please submit your application and we will contact you in August to agree the details. Applications are accepted until 10 August 2022.

Volunteer application form > https://forms.gle/RwpmFFP7huJmQzx

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