Tarptautinė konferencija Vilniuje „Rethinking Mental Health Care: Inclusion, Access, Respect, Dignity“


Rugsėjo 8 – 10 dienomis
Vilniuje, Valdovų rūmuose
(Katedros a. 4, peržvekite žemėlapyje)

DĖMESIO! LPA nėra renginio organizatoriai, tad kilus klausimams susisiekite el. paštu info@rethinkingmnh.org

Konferencijos programa | Elektroninė registracija

Mieli kolegos, kviečiame dalyvauti taptautinėje konferencijoje, kurioje pranešimus skaitys daugiau nei 40 lektorių iš Europos, Afrikos, Šiaurės Amerikos ir Okeanijos šalių. Nepraleiskite progos paklausyti tarptautiniu mastu žinomų psichikos sveikatos priežiūros ekspertų, turinčių ilgametę patirtį.

Konferencijos kalba yra anglų. Bus vykdomas sinchroninis vertimas į rusų kalbą.

Service users and mental health professionals can both benefit from accessible and acceptable mental health services. But how to make sure services actually are accessible and appropriate to as many users as possible and how to empower health staff to provide services and treatments with a sustainable and positive impact?

The conference will provide a forum to exchange ideas on enhancing accessible and acceptable mental health care: what do we talk about? How do we talk about it? With whom? What are the perspectives, experiences, and expectations of service users and mental health professionals and how do we integrate them in service development?

Among the more than forty international speakers are internationally renowned experts on mental health care: persons with lived experience, mental health professionals and other experts from more than a dozen countries in Europe, Africa, North America and Oceania.

The conference language is English, Russian simultaneous translation will be provided.

The program of the conference includes a top level social program, including a concert by the renowned Odessa concert pianist Aleksei Botvinov and the play “Be a Wolf” by the Islandic National Theatre based on the book by Hedinn Unsteinnson.


  • Health and mental health professionals
  • Community-based organizations
  • Policy makers
  • Government decision-makers
  • Researchers
  • Persons with lived experience and their family/carers

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