WPA ir EPA kvietimai aukoti Ukrainos psichiatrams ir pacientams


Mieli kolegos, dalijamės Pasaulio ir Europos psichiatrų asociacijų kvietimais aukoti Ukrainai. Surinktos lėšos bus skiriamos reikiamų vaistų įsigyjimui ir Ukrainos psichiatrų bei ukrainiečių, turinčių psichikos sveikatos problemų, poreikiams.

WPA. Call for donations to supply medications for mentally ill patients in Ukraine

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Call for donations to supply medications for mentally ill patients in Ukraine as part of the WPA Humanitarian Support Programme to Ukraine.

As all of us are aware of the distressing situation in Ukraine and the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) has very clearly expressed our profound concern and support for the people of Ukraine and for our dear colleagues in the WPA Ukrainian psychiatric associations. Like most of the people of the world, we are deeply worried about the wellbeing of Ukrainians during this conflict, and the consequences of war.

Reflecting WPA’s long opposition to non-defensive military activities and being mindful of the recent statements of various health and welfare organisations as well as the vote of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) condemning the invasion of Ukraine, WPA Executive Committee issued a statement that can be read in full here.

WPA firmly believe that while we continue condemning the conflict and war in the region, our membership can do more in terms of overcoming the adverse impacts of war for those who are already suffering from mental health problems and specifically psychiatric patients. Critically, medications are in short supply in Ukrainian psychiatric hospitals and other non-medical programmes.

Therefore, the WPA has decided to collect donations in order to supply medications in Ukraine. This can be done either by using our “Donate Now” button or through a bank transfer. Please click here to view our bank details and “Donate Now” button.

The WPA Advisory Committee on Response to Emergencies (ACRE) established a sub-committee to plan and implement support programme for our Ukrainian membership and other neighbouring countries to help during this crisis. This sub-committee is chaired by

Prof. Danuta Wasserman (WPA President Elect) who established collaboration with other professional organisations for preparing further humanitarian activities.

We will also engage and work with our member societies and other international organisations to support humanitarian work and ensure that WPA is vocal and visible, not only in highlighting the consequences of crisis, trauma, and conflict on mental health, but also following practical measures to help mental health professionals as well.

You will be continuously informed about the activities of this Humanitarian support programme to Ukraine.

WPA thanks you in advance for your support.

Author: Afzal Javed, President, WPA

EPA. Help us help Ukraine

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As part of the “EPA Network of Solidarity for Ukraine” actions EPA will offer concrete support to psychiatrists and their patients in hospitals in Ukraine. We encourage our National Psychiatric Association (NPA) Member organisations, as well as all our individual members, to join us in this initiative by donating to the fund created for this specific purpose. We hope that many colleagues will actively join us so we can help as many of our Ukrainian colleagues and their patients as we can during this dreadful time.

Donations can be made via this direct PayPal link or by bank transfer to:

Account Name: European Psychiatric Association
Bank Name: CIC Strasbourg Nuée Bleue, France
IBAN (EUR account): FR76 3008 7330 0100 0102 1870 183

Please quote “UKR Solidarity” in the remittance reference

Please note that EPA is not a public charity or a public utility organisation and therefore any donations made to EPA in the above context will not entitle donors to a tax rebate.

With the collected donations EPA will: (1) arrange for purchase, collection and transport of urgently needed medication to large psychiatric hospitals in Ukraine (the first shipment, fully funded by EPA, was sent on 17 March) and (2) donate funds to national charitable or humanitarian organisations, such as Caritas Poland, for the specific purchase of goods, other than medications, which are urgently needed. These goods will be conveyed by national charitable or humanitarian organisations to Ukrainian psychiatric hospitals via their already established channels.

All actions undertaken with collected funds in order to help both psychiatric patients and mental health professionals in Ukraine will be relayed via the EPA website and our newsletters to NPAs, EPA members and the mental health community at large.

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