Kvietimas į konferenciją „Rudolf Buchheim 200 New Essays on the Doctrine of Drugs“


Rugsėjo 9 – 11 d.
Tartu universitete, Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, Estija
(peržvelkite žemėlapyje)

Programa (anglų k.) | Registracija (anglų k.)

Dear colleagues, we are very pleased to invite you to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Rudolf Buchheim, and participate in the conference “Rudolf Buchheim 200: New Essays on the Doctrine of Drugs” to be held on September 9-11, 2021 in Tartu, the birthplace and cradle of pharmacology (buchheim200.eu).

The Rudolf Buchheim 200 Conference will bring together pharmacists, and researchers and medical doctors with deeper interest in pharmacology. The conference will look back at the history of pharmacology and review the state of the art of clinical practice and modern technologies in developing better medicines. The conference venue is the historic main building of the University of Tartu. Other historical premises will provide a suitable backdrop for networking with colleagues during social events.

You are welcome to contribute to the event by submitting an abstract. Registration and abstract submission are open. We are taking the emerging opportunity of live participation so the programme keeps growing in real time. See the continuously updated programme and more information on our website. Make use of the opportunity to come together, again, where modern pharmacology started!

On behalf of the organising committee,

Yours sincerely,
Jaanus Harro, MD, PhD
Chairman, Estonian Society of Pharmacology

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Pi. A. T. K. Pe. Š. Sk.

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