Mieli kolegos, kviečiame registruotis į Šiaurės šalių psichiatrijos kongresą, kuris vyks nuotoliniu būdu birželio 17-18 dienomis. Lietuvos psichiatrų asociacija prisideda prie šio renginio organizavimo. Džiaugiamės, jog LPA valdybos narė prof. dr. Vesta Steiblienė yra šio 33-iojo kongreso Tarptautinės patariamosios valdybos narė. Daugiau informacijos apie kongresą rasite oficialioje interneto svetainėje https://www.ncp2021.fi/.
June 17-18, 2021
Virtual event
Finnish Psychiatric Association is hosting the first ever virtual NCP congress. Nordic Congress of Psychiatry is an esteemed international scientific psychiatric congress, organised every third year in a Nordic or Baltic country. Our congress slogan ‘Connecting Minds’ is now timelier than ever.
The congress will be organised on a virtual platform, allowing for safe and easy participation from all around the world. The virtual platform will offer both live and pre-recorded presentations. All presentations will be recorded and made available for registered participants for one month without additional fees. If you are unable to join the livestream, we strongly encourage you to register for the event and view the recordings at a more convenient time. The virtual platform is easy to use, offering flexible possibilities to visit poster presentations and collaboration partners or connecting with other participants.
The programme consists of the highest quality scientific presentations by some of the leading professionals in psychiatry. The topics of the plenary lectures by world-renowned speakers are the following:
Dan Chisholm
Plenary lecture: Public mental health needs and responses in the context of COVID-19: a blueprint for the future? Dr. Dan Chisholm is Programme Manager for Mental Health at the WHO Regional Office for Europe (based in Copenhagen, Denmark). He works… |
Mark Daly
Plenary lecture: Genetic architecture of psychiatric traits and disorders – shared and specific biological mechanisms Mark Daly, PhD, was appointed Director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) in February 2018. He… |
Ian Michael Goodyer
Plenary lecture: Adolescent Mental Health: From Brain to Therapeutics Professor Emeritus Cambridge Clinical School University of Cambridge. I am a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist based at Cambridge University pursuing research into the connections… |
Pim Cuijpers
Plenary lecture: The future of psychotherapy Pim Cuijpers is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is specialised in conducting randomised controlled trials and… |
Riitta Hari
Plenary lecture: Brain basis of social interaction Riitta Hari, MD, PhD, is Professor Emerita at Aalto University, Finland. She has a long experience in systems-level neuroscience and human brain imaging, especially in developing… |
Merete Nordentoft
Plenary lecture: Improving treatment of people with psychotic illnesses: lessons from randomized clinical trials Merete Nordentoft is an expert in epidemiology, suicidal behavior, psychopathology and a pioneer in early intervention in psychosis. She was… |