Nemokamas naujas žurnalo „The British Journal of Psychiatry“ numeris skirtas nelaimių ir traumų tematikai (anglų k.)


„The British Journal of Psychiatry“ March 2020: Disasters and Trauma Themed Issue

Dear Colleagues, natural disasters, war and racial or religious persecution bring major challenges to the mental health of those who have to flee their homelands and to those who suffer brutal violations of fundamental human rights. The British Journal of Psychiatry (BJPsych) has collaborated with the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) to examine the mental health aspects of disasters and trauma, aiming to strengthen the contribution of psychiatrists to reduce distress, illness and suicidal behavior among vulnerable populations.

Guest Editors: Prof. Jonathan Bisson, Prof. Michel Botbol, Prof Edgar Jones, Prof. Jan Kizilhan and Prof. Thomas Schulze.

Please see the link: „The British Journal of Psychiatry“ March 2020: Disasters and Trauma Themed Issue.

Best wishes,
Prof Roy Abraham Kallivayalil
Secretary General, World Psychiatric Association

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