COVID-19 išteklių sąrašas psichiatrams
Mieli kolegos, dalijamės Amerikos psichiatrų asociacijos sudarytu internetiniu išteklių sąrašu psichiatrams. Šiuose ištekliuose išsamiai pateikiama informacija ne tik apie fizinį COVID-19 viruso poveikį, bet ir galimą įtaką psichinei sveikatai, taip pat atsakoma į psichosocialinius klausimus. Ištekliai apima skyrių ir apie telepsichiatriją, skirtą pasirengti visuomenės izoliacijai ir (arba) karantinui. Kol kas pateikiame informaciją tik anglų kalba, tačiau pasistengsime pagrindinius dalykus išversti į lietuvių kalbą. Ačiū gydytojui Edgarui Diržiui, kuris pasidalino!
Rekomenduojame peržvelgti sąrašą interneto naršyklėje paspaudus šią nuorodą: COVID-19 išteklių sąrašas psichiatrams. Toliau šiame laiške pateikiame sąrašo tekstą su visomis pagrindinėmis nuorodomis.
With COVID-19 evolving rapidly across the world, APA’s Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disasters and the APA’s Council on International Psychiatry compiled the following list of resources for psychiatrists. The resources cover not only the physical impact of the coronavirus, but on its potential mental health and psychosocial issues and responses. The resources also include a section on telepsychiatry, to prepare for the possibility of isolation and/or quarantine.
The Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS) CSTS has a series of Fact Sheets on coronavirus response that address issues for both health care professionals and the public. Among them are:
The Lancet: Rapid Review
The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation during an Infectious Disease Outbreak
United Nations Inter-Agency Standing Committee
Briefing on “Addressing Mental Health and Psychosocial Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak” (2/26/20)
World Health Organization
Information on Telepsychiatry
APA is helping psychiatrists learn about and adopt telepsychiatry through its Committee on Telepsychiatry and resources. APA’s Telepsychiatry Toolkit is a resource for members who want to learn about the various aspects of telepsychiatry, including clinical, training, and policy considerations.
For general resources and guidance on coronavirus and prevention, see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention resources: