Kvietimas į 5-ąją jungtinę JK ir Europos psichoterapijos tyrimų draugijos konferenciją


Informacija apie konferenciją | Pranešimų registravimas

Mieli kolegos, peržvelkite kvietimą į 5-ąją jungtinę JK ir Europos psichoterapijos tyrimų draugijos konferenciją.

Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad Centrinės bei Rytų Europos mokslininkams ir studentams bus sumažintas konferencijos mokestis.

I would like to inform you about the next Society for Psychotherapy Research UK and European Chapters Conference, that will take place between the 19th and 21st September 2019 in Krakow.

The Local Organizing Committee has advocated strongly and with final success for substantial reduction of conference fees for researchers and students from Central an Eastern Europe.

I hope this initiative will help to involve more colleagues from our region in psychotherapy research.

The submissions are accepted until the end of April.

Conference webpage: https://sprconference.com/EU-UK-2019/
Submissions: http://www.mymeetingsavvy.com/spr-eu-uk/

I personnaly actively support this initiative remembering my mentor and friend Profesor Jerzy Aleksandrowicz.

I am looking forward to hearing from you,

Michal Mielimaka
Department of Psychotherapy
Jagiellonian University Medical College
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
5th Joined SPR European and UK Chapters Conference
Krakow, Poland

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