Kvietimas į viešą dr. Karolina Krysinska paskaitą


VU Suicidologijos tyrimų centras maloniai kviečia į viešą dr. Karolina Krysinska (Melburno universitetas, Australija) paskaitą „Suicide prevention in Australia: Current landscape, progress and challenges“, kuri vyks 2019 m. vasario 6 d. 18:00 val. Vilniaus universiteto Filosofijos fakulteto 201 auditorijoje.

Trumpai apie paskaitą ir tyrėją (anglų k.)

Australia has been among the first countries to adopt a National Suicide Prevention Strategy in 2000 and in 2017 has released its Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan. This lecture will present the epidemiology of suicidal behaviour in Australia, including groups with increased risk, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. It will give an overview of suicide prevention postvention activities on the national and local level, and present Australian research on suicide and its prevention. It will also cover the recent pioneering work on suicide and the media, including the Internet and social media.

Karolina Krysinska, PhD is a Research Fellow at Orygen, the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health and at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne. She is an experienced research psychologist, whose main interest is suicide research and prevention, and postvention. Karolina is an author of many peer-reviewed publications, book chapters and conference presentations in Australia and internationally. In 2017, together with Karl Andriessen and Onja Grad, she co-edited “Postvention in Action: The International Handbook of Suicide Bereavement Support”.

Paskaita vyks anglų kalba.

Įėjimas laisvas.

Laikas 2019 m. vasario 6 d. 18:00-19:30 val.

Vieta VU Filosofijos fakulteto 201 a. (Universiteto g. 9, Vilnius),

Organizuoja VU Suicidologijos tyrimų centras.

Kontaktai pasiteiravimui: Odeta Geleželytė, odeta.gelezelyte@fsf.vu.lt

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