UUP, EAP ir Čekijos NAO jungtinis simpoziumas „Traumos perdavimas iš kartos į kartą ir atsigavimas po traumos“


Lapkričio 17 d., nuo 10:30 iki 16:15 val.
Nuotoliniu būdu „Zoom“ platformoje

Programa (anglų k.) | El. registracija (anglų k.)
Programa (ukrainiečių k.) | El. registracija (ukrainiečių k.)
Programa (čekų k.) | El. registracija (čekų k.)

Mieli kolegos, kviečiame dalyvauti Ukrainos psichoterapijos skėtinės asociacijos (UUP) kartu su Europos psichoterapijos asociacija (EAP) bei Čekijos nacionaline psichoterapijos (Chech NAO) asociacija organizuojamame jungtiniame simpoziume.

Pagrindinė šio jau trečiojo jungtinio simpoziumo tema – traumų perdavimas iš kartos į kartą ir atsigavimas po traumos. Organizatoriai didžiuojasi galėdami renginyje pristatyti daugelio tyrimų, susijusių su Ukrainos psichoterapeutų, kurie šiuo metu yra socialinių ir psichinių pokyčių priešakyje, psichikos sveikata ir ištekliais rezultatus.

Dalyvavimas yra nemokamas. Simpoziumas skirtas psichoterapautams.

Dalyviams bus išduoti 6.5 val. kvalifikacijos tobulinimo pažymėjimai.

Simpoziumo pranešimai ir diskusijos bus sinchroniškai verčiami į anglų, ukrainiečių ir čekų kalbas.

UUP, EAP and Czech NAO Joint Online Symposium “The Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma and Recovery from Trauma”

Dear colleagues, the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy together with the European Association for Psychotherapy and the Czech National Association for Psychotherapy are pleased to announce the Third Joint Symposium on Friday November 17th 2023.

In this Symposium we are pleased and proud to have distinguished speakers. Professor Marek Preiss and Professor Emmy van Deurzen giving their important presentations for Ukrainian Psychotherapists and European Psychotherapists.


Download the schedule: English | Ukrainian | Czech


The main topic of the Third Symposium is the transgenerational transmission of trauma and recovery from trauma. We are proud to present the outcome of a number of studies related to the mental health and resources of Ukrainian psychotherapists as specialists at the forefront of social and mental changes. The results of this study will be presented by speakers Vladimir Pogorely, in the context of a sample of those Psychotherapists who left Ukraine, and Professor Kira Sedykh, on the sample of those who remained in Ukraine. Finally, Olena Dobrodnyak, Head of the System and Family Therapy Section of the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy will summarize the overall findings of the report.

The Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapists is thankful for the opportunity for dialogue, support and mutual co-operation with EAP and Czech NAO at this time. We cordially invite European Psychotherapists to join with Ukrainian Psychotherapists in this Symposium, as it is vital for our Ukrainian colleagues that they could have the opportunity to be connected with, and in dialogue with, colleagues from other European countries as they face their lives in the present and prepare for their future.

We warmly invite you to attend our Third Symposium.


The Symposium will be held on November 17 2023 remotely on the “Zoom” platform. Please add it on your computer (https://zoom.us/download).

The Symposium will be held in Ukrainian, English and Czech with simultaneous translation of presentations.

The event is free for psychotherapists. Registration is mandatory. Only registered participants will be able to log in and participate in the Symposium.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to the lecturers, participate in small group discussions and communicate in a round table discussion.

Certificates of attendance will be sent to all Symposium participants along with video recordings and lecture slides.


The First Symposium was held on February 24th 2023 to mark the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It was a moving, extraordinary, and wonderful event, and more than 1000 Psychotherapists registered to join it.

Please use this link to view the video recordings of the First Symposium.

The Second Symposium was held on June 16th 2023 and reached nearly 1500 registrations. The focus of the Second Symposium was the examination and discussion about the new challenges for psychotherapists in extreme situations and how the patients/clients are affected when the psychotherapist is in an exposed situation.

Please use this link to view the video recordings of the Second Symposium.


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