PPA regioninis kongresas „Psichopatologija pereinamaisiais laikotarpiais“ (anglų k.)


Elektroninė registracija į renginį | Pranešimų santraukų registracija

2021 m. liepos 7 – 9 d.
Gyvai (Kijeve, Ukrainoje) ir nuotoliniu būdu

Dear colleagues and friends,

On behalf of Professor Afzal Javed, President and Michel Botbol, Scientific committee with great pleasure we are inviting you to become an active part of the WPA 2021 Regional Congress “PSYCHOPATHOLOGY IN PERIODS OF TRANSITIONS”, organized by the World Psychiatric Association in collaboration with Ukrainian Psychiatric Association and Charitable Foundation Research Innovation in Medicine “RIMON”, which will take place on July 7-9, 2021 in the exciting and cultural city of Kyiv, Ukraine, in hybrid format (offline & online).

With the topic “PSYCHOPATHOLOGY IN PERIODS OF TRANSITIONS” this congress will build the experiences of WPA’s 2020-2023 Action Plan and will include recent updates in different disciplines related to mental health.

Organizing committee decided to hold the Conference in hybrid format on scheduled dates – July 7-9, 2021.

This format will provide an opportunity to comply with all recommendations, current guidance and security protocols on COVID-19.

We are pleased to announce:

Registration fee is reduced and date of the early bird registration has been extended to April 30, 2021 (link for registration https://2021rcp-congress.com/registration/);
The abstract submission deadline has been extended to April 15, 2021 (submit your abstract here https://2021rcp-congress.com/abstract-submission/).
Please, follow the official congress website for more details and updates at http://2021rcp-congress.com.

Your active participation will undoubtedly contribute to a successful and productive WPA congress. Looking forward to welcoming you in Kyiv!

With warm regards,
WPA Secretariat
Geneva University Psychiatric Hospital

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